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The Priors Organic Cracked Rye

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The Priors Cracked Rye from Foster's Mill is common in Nordic countries and has been produced for recipes that come from that part of Europe. Cracked Rye is a very coarse meal with large chunks of the rye grain remaining intact in the meal. It is typically crushed into two or three pieces and used traditionally in the preparation of pumpernickel bread.

Allergens including gluten in bold

Ingredients: organic rye flour

Foster's Mill Flour Specification
Name of Flour:


Prior's Stoneground Organic Cracked Rye


Ducato Rye Grain 2021 Harvest

Certified Organic: Yes

Hammonds End Farm, Harpenden, Hertfordshire

% Protein:

8.16% = strong rye flour

Granularity: Very Coarse

Recipes requiring a very coarse rye meal

Baking Comments:

This type of meal is common in Nordic countries and has been produced for recipes that come from this part of Europe.

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Recipes and Guides

What is Rye Flour - and how do I use it?

What is Rye Flour - and how do I use it unmilled rye grains on an old wooden bread board
We're sometimes asked questions about rye flour, for example "what's the difference between dark rye and light rye?", and "is all rye flour wholemeal?". Hopefully we can quickly clear up any confusion you might have about rye flour and how it's sometimes labelled. Thanks to Andrew Wilkinson of Gilchester, and baking guru Dan Lepard for their input. Like wheat flours, rye can be classified by how ... Read more
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