Farine de meule CRC T80 (Stoneground French T80 Flouris creamy-white stoneground flour from soft wheat by one of Frances foremost mills, Foricher. It has achieved both CRC and the French Red Label for quality and traceability. (See the FAQ for more about these two marks). For use in traditional bread making. The stone milling results in a flour with a slightly coarser texture. Stone milling also means that the T80 has more bran rich flavour and more texture than the T65 flour. There isa slight spiciness and grassiness to this flour, again reflecting the higher bran content. Being stoneground, the flour is rich in minerals, vitamins and fibre making it the perfect choice to add flavour and nutrients to your sourdough bread.
Ash: 0.75 to 0.90%.
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Farine de meule CRC T80 (Stoneground French T80 Flouris creamy-white stoneground flour from soft wheat by one of Frances foremost mills, Foricher. It has achieved both CRC and the French Red Label for quality and traceability. (See the FAQ for more about these two marks). For use in traditional bread making. The stone milling results in a flour with a slightly coarser texture. Stone milling also means that the T80 has more bran rich flavour and more texture than the T65 flour. There isa slight spiciness and grassiness to this flour, again reflecting the higher bran content. Being stoneground, the flour is rich in minerals, vitamins and fibre making it the perfect choice to add flavour and nutrients to your sourdough bread. Ash: 0.75 to 0.90%Â