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Pomora Olive Oils

Pomora Olive Oils
We love Pomora because they make gorgeous, sustainable, luxury Extra-Virgin Olive Oils, pressed from olives carefully hand-picked in the Italian countryside. Essential to their practice is that their olive growers use traditional and sustainable farming practices, employing an ethic of reciprocity with the earth. Using simple, whole foods, Pomora creates oils which taste fantastic and are good for both you and the beautiful Italian landscapes in which they are grown. This care for food translates into care for those in their production lines. Pomora believes that everyone in the food supply chain should be equitably rewarded, and so pay a living price to their growers to ensure that the growers, in turn, pay their workers a living wage. They ensure that their production line is traceable. This means that they know that every drop is of high quality, and all of their workers are paid fairly, all the way from the peaceful olive groves to your front door! This is the really good stuff - it isn't for adding to your baking but instead, for dunking your crusty sourdough into - or to mix with a little balsamic vinegar for an amazing dressing.