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Sugars, Honey and Syrups

Sugars, Honey and Syrups

Serious sugars for serious bakers. Authentic panettone sugar for topping your Christmas baking, snow sugar for stollen. Belgian waffle sugar for Liege waffles and malt extract for a drop of malty flavour in your breads.

Specialist Bakery Sugars

We have a range of specialist sugars available at BakeryBits that we make available in small bags through to large boxes and sacks, to suit the keen home baker, restaurant or micro bakery.

Sugar Cake Toppings

Similar to the panettone sugar and the Belgian waffle sugars, pearl sugar, sugar crumbs, sugar sand and snow sugar are only available to the baking industry but we make them available in manageable quantities for the home and micro-baker. Use sugar sand and crumbs for topping biscuits and cookies. Try pearl sugar on top of cakes and snow sugar is amazing on stollen.