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Which... lame or dough slashing blade should I choose?

Which... lame or dough slashing blade should I choose?
You’ve got the right flour, spent time mixing it, shaped it correctly, and the rise looks good, then you try slashing the loaf with a knife and it drags and looks ugly. Well, we’re here to help you avoid that and finish your loaf as well as you started it. BakeryBits was the first UK company to offer French dough slashing blades for sale in the UK to the  public, and since then ... Read more

Which Yeast is Which?

Which Yeast is Which?
You'll find a number of different yeasts available at BakeryBits. Which one should you choose, how are they different from each other, and how should they be used? Some yeasts are general purpose, while others are selected and cultivated for a particular job - raising an enriched dough such as hot cross bun, panettone, for example, or to allow an industrial bakery to introduce yeast at a specific ... Read more
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