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Three-grain shortcrust pastry - with stoneground flour

Three-grain shortcrust pastry - with stoneground flour


100g Stoate's Organic Rye Flour
100g Stoate's Organic Spelt Flour
200g Marriage's Finest Strong White Bread flour
75g light brown sugar, optional
4g (3/4 tsp) sea salt, finely ground
250g unsalted butter, softened)
One egg (50-60g)
50g scotch whisky, malt if you like a smoky flavour

Rich with butter, combining three delicious grains – wheat, rye and spelt – in one very delicious easy-to-make pastry. I used stoneground rye and spelt flours, packed with flavour and texture, combined with roller-milled white bread flour that allows the pastry to roll out easily. The whisky helps to deepen the flavour: you can replace it with water, which will cause the pastry will have slightly more firmness when you bite into it, not a hugely noticeable difference.


Place all three flours in a mixing bowl with the sugar and salt and stir to combine. Add the butter in pieces then rub it in well with your fingers.

Add the egg and the whisky then mix everything together until smooth and slightly sticky. Don’t worry if it appears soft, that’s a good thing. Divide the dough in half and wrap each piece well in paper or plastic. Then chill for an hour until firm (the freezer is ideal if possible) as this helps the dough become easier to roll.

Take one piece out of the freezer or fridge and leave it for 10-20 minutes to thaw until it just starts to feel malleable. On a floured worktop roll the dough thinly to suit the recipe you’re using, try and use the dough while it’s still slightly cold. Any scraps can be bundled together and re-rolled to use.

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