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Fluffy sourdough flatbreads recipe

Fluffy sourdough flatbreads recipe



250g Type 00 Merchants Mill Italian Fine White Flour

50g Semolina

50g active Sourdough starter

50g Greek yoghurt

30g Rapeseed oil

10g Honey

60g Water

6g Salt

Torsten JunkerTorsten Junker

Fluffy Middle Eastern Sourdough Flatbreads

I love Middle Eastern-style cooking, and having a pliable fluffy flatbread is indispensable for mopping up hummus, pesto or sauces and for wrapping and transporting falafels or fritters laden with labneh pickles and a zesty salad.

These are easy to make and whilst being light and fluffy they are strong enough to let you to load them to the gunnels.

These are made using sourdough starter to make them extra supple but you can substitute fresh or dried yeast with good results.



  • Mix all of the together in a mixing bowl or a mixer if you have one.
  • When all of the ingredients are combined, knead for 10 minutes or so in order to develop the gluten and until the dough is smooth and elastic.
  • Cover the bowl and leave in a warm draught free area for an hour.
  • Tip the dough out onto a worktop lightly dusted with flour and divide into four.
  • Use a rolling pin roll to roll out the flatbreads to the size of a large frying pan.
  • Cover the dough with a tea towel and let rest for 15 minutes.
  • Take a large frying pan and put it on a medium heat on the stove.
  • Bake the flatbreads one at a time on the dry hot pan, flipping the bread a couple of times so that each side gets toasty blisters and the bread puffs up.
  • Transfer to a cooling rack and let cool before serving.  

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